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Showing posts from March, 2011

Tom Greggs on Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The video I mentioned in my last post: my interview with Professor Tom Greggs on Dietrich Bonhoeffer (once again with my questions cut out!). This is a YouTube clip from a much bigger project being undertaken by Rev. Dr Tim Hull at St John's College Nottingham UK. Click here for more info.

David Clough on Barth's Theological Development

This is part two of an interview I did with Professor David Clough on Karl Barth. Here David tackles Barth's theological development and the issues in Barth's theology after the famous Anselm book, "Fides Quaerens Intellectum". Part one can also be viewed here . Watch this space for another interview, this time with Professor Tom Greggs ( soon to be of Aberdeen University ) on Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This interview is part of the same project as the Barth clips, and in available via St John's College Nottingham .

Couenhoven on divine and human freedom in Barth

I mentioned a few weeks back now that I have been reading Commanding Grace, an edited collection of papers from the 2008 US Karl Barth conference. In my last, brief, post I hinted that the collection is really good, and that I was unearthing some absolute gems. The variety of subjects and the level of concrete engagement with Barth on issues of central importance to Christian ethics is really encouraging and exciting. One particularly brilliant essay I have read and re-read is Jesse Couenhoven 's Karl Barth's Conception(s) of Human and Divine Freedom(s) pp.239-255. The main concern of this essay, as the title suggests, is the question of how Barth's conception of divine freedom is related to his conception of human freedom, if at all. It is important to note that it is a conceptual problem that concerns Couenhoven here. He is not asking how divine freedom and human freedom actually relate, not primarily at least, but how Barth's conceptual exploration of each is relat...

SCE: Theological Reflections on Climate Change

  February's edition of Studies in Christian Ethics Journal takes as its theme 'Theological Reflections on Climate Change'. The contents of the journal is the plenary papers from the 2010 SSCE Conference on the same theme. It was a really good conference with several high quality plenary papers as well as several other really good short papers. The plenary speakers were: Celia Deane Drummond, Timothy Gorringe, Michael Northcott, and Peter Scott. The journal also contains an article by fellow PhD candidate and conference attendee Byron Smith. Byron's research and regular blogging here explores issues of environmental theology and climate change. The whole thing is worth reading, and will get you thinking about our relationship to creation and our responsibility before God.